DATE: 25.11. – 23.12.2023
START/END: Las Palmas/Martinique
Trip ID: W23-02AC
SKIPPER: Eric Johannson
PRICE: 3.500€ p.pers. + board cash
#01. Description
XO We put together a nice crew that has a lot of fun on the trip. GALINI is a very fast ship. We don’t expect to take three weeks to make the crossing, so we’ll arrive before Christmas and still have nice days to enjoy some wonderful bays in the Caribbean. We are just equipping it with a water desalination system and Starlink for fast internet, so that the trip will be a bit more pleasant.
I’ve always wanted to sail across the Atlantic. And now that dream is about to come true. The very idea of preparing everything you need for 2-3 weeks, having no deadlines, just being in the here and now, I always found exciting. The trade wind carries us with space wind over the Brafuss route with pleasant temperatures in the direction of America. We have time to cook, adjust the sails to the wind, enjoy sunsets on the vast ocean and have good conversations. What is the feeling like when we see the Lesser Antilles in front of us and the end of the journey is in sight? Turquoise water, palm trees, long sandy beaches and again other people…

#02. Plan
On November 25 we will meet in the Canary Islands (probably Las Palmas), get in the mood, get to know each other and GALINI, make the final preparations and take the next suitable weather window for the start. The boat offers space so that we have enough space and retreat with 8-9 people but also a relaxed watch division. Thus, no one has to pay long attention to the boat and the surroundings during the crossing. Galini is the Greek word for serenity. This is also important to us for the spirit on board! 🙂
Once in the Lesser Antilles, we should have plenty of time to enjoy some beautiful Caribbean bays with swimming, snorkeling and some nice cold drinks.
Until 23.12. we leave the boat and everyone can plan Christmas at home or spend it in the Caribbean.
The anchor as a tattoo is an old tradition of sailors, symbolizing a successful Atlantic crossing.
More info about yacht GALINI
Photo by Claudia Altamimi and Kris-Mikael Krister At Unsplash